Interview Tips



Find out about the company:-

Age, number of employees, related companies, turnover, product range,


By gathering this information you will show a genuine interest in the company and their vacancy. It will make you stand out from the other candidates and it assists you with your decision regarding the suitability of the company and position for you.


You may find it helpful to take your information with you to the interview and let the company know about the research you have done.


Prepare questions for the interview:-

Asking questions shows you are interested in who they are and what they have to offer. Having said that, some questions can imply that you have no idea why you are there!



*        Why has the position arisen?

*        What specific objectives will the person in this position be expected to achieve?

*        How does this compare against previous achievements in this position?

*        What training and induction will be given and where?

*        What opportunities exists beyond this position and when?

*        What turnover of staff does the company experience?

*        What is the philosophy of the company?

*        When does the company need someone to start?

*        How many people are you interviewing?

*        What will the selection criteria involve?

*        When will they be making a decision?


Telephone Interviews

*        Be ready to take the call – make sure you are ready ten minutes before in a quiet room with ample network coverage to take the call

*        Have your CV in front of you, a pen and paper is also handy if you want to take notes

*        Do smile. Smiling will project a positive image to the listener and will change the tone of your voice. It can also be helpful to stand during the interview, since this typically gives your voice more energy and enthusiasm.

*        Do speak slowly and enunciate clearly.



Dress code for a F2F Interview


Look professional- you never get a 2nd chance at making a first impression


When deciding what to wear to an interview, it’s important to consider the company in question. When dressing for an interview you should go for a formal shirt and tie with a suit or blazer. Women can also opt to wear a suit or blazer, but if that doesn’t appeal, a good option to go for is black dress trousers with a smart button-down shirt.


It’s better to play it safe in an interview; it takes seconds to make an impression, and you want to be remembered as a sophisticated, well-presented individual. If the hiring manager feels you couldn’t be bothered to put the effort in for your interview, they’re liable to think that you won’t put any effort in from day to day, when you’re working. Why take the risk?


If you turn up to your interview slightly overdressed, you’ll be fine; the interviewer will see you’ve made an effort and are keen to create a positive impression. When comes to interview attire, it’s always best to dress slightly smarter than you think you should; you can’t be chastised for dressing ‘too smart’.


In addition, dressing in smart attire will help you to exude confidence. Even if you feel nervous, the ‘fake it until you make it’ tactic does work. Just as putting on a smile can improve your mood, dressing up sharply can help you to feel more confident even if the thought of an interview makes you feel like a nervous wreck.


Handling The Interview

Set objectives before the interview. What do you want to achieve from this interview?


E.g. obtain a second interview or job offer.


Ask questions early in the interview to establish areas of importance from the Company’s point of view and relate information of interest from your background.


Focus on the question- answer the question, and try not to digress. You can always be asked to add further information. Be specific in your response and admit if you can’t answer a question.


*      Do not lie or imply completely false attributes.

*      Listen and consider where the questions are heading.

*      If you do not understand a question ask for clarification.

*      Use open-ended questions –who, what, where, why, how.


It is very difficult to sell yourself in an interview. Do not be afraid of highlighting your achievements but ensure you can explain clearly how you achieved them.


Closing The Interview

This is the toughest part of the interview. As the interview reaches a close it is good idea to obtain feedback regarding your suitability for the role.


At the end of The Interview:-

*   Tell the company why you are keen on the position e.g. company profile, opportunity, training, earning potential etc. Two or three reasons will reinforce their belief in your interest.

*   Ask the Company how they view you for the role.

*   Do they think you can do the job?


Following The Interview

Phone NTech after the interview to give the consultant who put you forward your feedback.

Your consultant will then contact the client for feedback.



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